S.S.S.S Space Action Mac OS
  1. S.s.s.s Space Action Mac Os Download
  2. S.s.s.s Space Action Mac Os Catalina

Most feature hot-keys can be found next to the action in the menus.

Action Windows / Linux Mac OS Notes; Smooth corner node: S: S: while hovering over a node: Convert line to smooth curve: S: S: while hovering over a line: Convert curve to line: L: L: while hovering over a curve: Convert smooth node to corner: C: C: while hovering over a node: Delete node: D: D: while hovering over a node: Delete line: D: D. Base class for state and action spaces¶ class framework.spaces.Space¶ Base class for state and action spaces. Class which represents the state space of an environment or the action space of an agent. This is essentially a dictionary whose keys are the names of the dimensions, and whose values are Dimension objects. To improve the user experience and enhance wireless security, we have replaced original wireless networks (Wireless@APU, BYOD@APU, Roam@APU and Staff@APU) with OnBoard@APU, which. You can use Mac Spaces to keep your programs and windows organized in one dedicated location. Then you can use a few key moves to navigate your Mac Spaces: To view all your spaces at once, press the F8 key on your keyboard. Just click on a space to enter. You can drag spaces around this bird’s-eye view to. Download CleanMyMac X: more about CleanMyMac X: you’re Mac owner, you’ve probably.


  • Selection: Left click, or band-box
  • Shift + click adds to the current selection
  • Ctrl/⌘ + click removes from the current selection
  • Drag: Left-click & hold on an object, drag it
  • When dragging, Shift will keep the drag vertical, horizontal, or 45 degrees
  • When dragging, Ctrl means 'don't grid / object snap'
  • When sizing, the default is retain the current aspect ratio, holding shift unlocks it.
  • When sizing, Control means 'resize from center'
  • Zoom: Mouse wheel (zooms relative to the cursor)
  • View drag: Middle-mouse click and drag
  • Double clicking text Now auto chooses text mode and places cursor.


  • View drag: Hold space-bar + left-click & drag (useful for Mac, or users without a mouse wheel)
  • Delete: Backspace or Delete keys
  • Select Mode: Pressing the Esc key while in the workspace will return to the selection tool


  • Arrow keys move the current selection
  • Shift + arrow moves in large steps
  • Ctrl/⌘ + arrow moves in small steps

Menu Hot-Keys


ActionWindows / LinuxMac OS
NewCtrl + N⌘ + N
OpenCtrl + O⌘ + O
ImportCtrl + I⌘ + I
SaveCtrl + S⌘ + S
Save AsCtrl + Shift + S⌘ + Shift + S
ExitCtrl + Q⌘ + Q


ActionWindows / LinuxMac OS
UndoCtrl + Z⌘ + Z
RedoCtrl + Shift + Z⌘ + Shift + Z
Select AllCtrl + A⌘ + A
Invert SelectionCtrl + Shift + I⌘ + Shift + I
CutCtrl + X⌘ + X
CopyCtrl + C⌘ + C
DuplicateCtrl + D⌘ + D
PasteCtrl + V⌘ + V
Paste in placeAlt + VAlt + V
Convert to PathCtrl + Shift + C⌘ + Shift + C
Convert to BitmapCtrl + Shift + B⌘ + Shift + B
Close PathAlt + CAlt + C
Auto JoinAlt + JAlt + J
OptimizeAlt + OAlt + O
Delete DuplicatesAlt + DAlt + D
Convert to CutCtrl + Shift + C⌘ + Shift + C


ActionWindows / LinuxMac OS
Draw LineCtrl + L⌘ + L
RectangleCtrl + R⌘ + R
EllipseCtrl + E⌘ + E
Edit NodesCtrl + `⌘ + `
Add TabsCtrl + Tab⌘ + Tab
Edit TextCtrl + T⌘ + T
Zoom InCtrl + =⌘ + =
Zoom OutCtrl + -⌘ + -
Frame SelectionCtrl + Shift + A⌘ + Shift + A
PreviewAlt + PAlt + P


Global Hotkeys

The following work from anywhere while objects are selected.

S.S.S.S Space Action Mac OS
ActionWindows / LinuxMac OS
GroupCtrl + G⌘ + G
UngroupCtrl + U⌘ + U
Flip HorizontalCtrl + Shift + H⌘ + Shift + H
Flip VerticalCtrl + Shift + V⌘ + Shift + V
Mirror Across LineAlt + MAlt + M
Align LeftCtrl + Shift + ←⌘ + Shift + ←
Align RightCtrl + Shift + →⌘ + Shift + →
Align TopCtrl + Shift + ↑⌘ + Shift + ↑
Align BottomCtrl + Shift + ↓⌘ + Shift + ↓
Align Centers VerticallyCtrl + Shift + PgUp⌘ + Shift + PgUp
Align Centers HorizontallyCtrl + Shift + PgDn⌘ + Shift + PgDn
Move H-TogetherAlt + Shift + HAlt + Shift + H
Move V-TogetherAlt + Shift + VAlt + Shift + V
Break ApartAlt + BAlt + B
Push forward in draw orderPgUpPgUp
Push backward in draw orderPgDnPgDn
Push to frontCtrl + PgUp⌘ + PgUp
Push to backCtrl + PgDn⌘ + PgDn

S.s.s.s Space Action Mac Os Download

Edit Window Specific

The following work only while focused on the edit window.

ActionWindows / LinuxMac OS
Rotate 90 clockwise. (decimal). (decimal)
Rotate 90 Counter-clockwise, (comma), (comma)
Align LeftLL
Align RightRR
Align TopTT
Align BottomBB
Align Centers VerticallyCC
Align Centers HorizontallyEE
Move Selection to Page CenterPP


ActionWindows / LinuxMac OS
PreviewAlt + PAlt + P
Zoom InCtrl + =⌘ + =
Zoom OutCtrl + -⌘ + -
Frame SelectionCtrl + Shift + A⌘ + Shift + A

Tool In-use - Hot-Keys

Node Edit

ActionWindows / LinuxMac OSNotes
Smooth corner nodeSSwhile hovering over a node
Convert line to smooth curveSSwhile hovering over a line
Convert curve to lineLLwhile hovering over a curve
Convert smooth node to cornerCCwhile hovering over a node
Delete nodeDDwhile hovering over a node
Delete lineDDwhile hovering over a line
Insert node pointIIwhile hovering over a line or curve
Insert node at midpointMMwhile hovering over a line or curve
Break shape at pointBBwhile hovering over a point
Trim lineTTwhile hovering over a line, trim line under mouse at next intersection
Extend lineEEwhile hovering over a point, extend line from point under mouse to intersection with another shape


S.s.s.s space action mac os pro

S.s.s.s Space Action Mac Os Catalina

  • Pressing F1 while hovering the mouse over the edit window will bring you to the documentation page for the editing mode you're in.
  • Pressing F1 while hovering the mouse over some tools will show you help for that tool.
  • Otherwise, pressing F1 will bring up the Help & Notes dialog window.