Triangular (spkgames) Mac OS

Mac startupkeys

  1. Triangular (spkgames) Mac Os X
  2. Triangular (spkgames) Mac Os Download
  3. Triangular (spkgames) Mac Os Catalina
  4. Triangular (spkgames) Mac Os 11

Aqua is the graphical user interface, design language and visual theme of Apple's macOS operating system.It was originally based on the theme of water, with droplet-like components and a liberal use of reflection effects and translucency.Its goal is to 'incorporate color, depth, translucence, and complex textures into a visually appealing interface' in macOS applications. All versions of Mac OS X that were made to run on PowerPC systems (with the exception of Leopard) had a Mac OS 9 emulation layer called 'Classic'. It allowed Mac OS X to run Mac OS 9 applications that weren't updated to run natively on OS X (known as carbonization based on the Carbon API). But if you can’t save a document in any form directly on Mac OS 10.15, your permission settings could be behind this. To stop your permission settings from getting in the way when you want to save files on Mac OS 10.15, revert back to the factory permission settings. Select “Go Home” from your Finder’s menu bar. MacBook Pro 15 inch, 2.53 GHz, Mac OS X (10.5.7), 4 GB memory Posted on Dec 29, 2009 5:44 PM Reply I have this question too (301) I have this question too Me too (301) Me too.


[This document is obsolete: Please consultMagicalMacintosh Key Sequences by Dave Polaschek.]

Triangular (spkgames) Mac Os X

When a Macintosh is powered-up or Restarted ('booted'),various pieces of Mac ROM and System software examine the keyboard,and take special actions if certain keys are held down. This pagesummarizes the actions.

Booting involves several phases; startup keys take effect atdifferent times depending upon the phase. Sometimes the same keyhas a different effect depending upon which phase it is sensed.Generally, you should hold the indicated keys down until the desiredaction takes place.

Boot ROM

Command-Option-P-RZap PRAM (double boot)
RForce PowerBook to reset the screen
Command-Option-A-VReset AppleVision Display (1.5.2 or later)
Command-Option-T-VForce Quadra AV (only) to use TV as a monitor
Command-Option-X-OForce Mac Classic (only) to Boot from ROM
Mouse buttonEject Floppy, then boot from SCSI
Command-Option-Shift-DeleteBypass the device that is selected in the Startup Disk control panel; boot from the first bootable device other than that.
Command-Option-Shift-Delete-#Boot from a specific SCSI ID, where # is 0 through 6
CBoot from internal CD-ROM (Most late model Macs)
NBoot from network (iMac and later models)
DBoot from the internal hard disk if the default boot device has been set to something else
ZBoot from an internal Zip drive
O-FAccess Open Firmware (on G3 and later models)
TBoot into FireWire Target Disk mode (on certain FireWire-equipped Macs)

Upon appearance of the happy face, let go of any boot keysyou may have needed, then immediately press any keys you needto control ...

Mac OS System startup

ControlInvoke MacsBug upon startup.
OptionIn Mac OS 9.x, on a startup disk having multiple system folders, invoke dialog to choose System Folder.
CommandBoot with Virtual Memory off
ShiftDisable all Extensions and Control Panels. Release Shift when the message 'Extensions disabled' appears in the welcome box.
SpaceOpen extension manager before loading Extensions or Control Panels. Release the Space bar when the Extensions Manager displays its screen.

Holding the Shift key early in the boot sequence disables allExtensions and Control Panels. Individual Extensions and ControlPanels may disable themselves upon seeing the Shift key laterin the boot sequence, but the timing for this is difficult toachieve! Upon loading, an Extension or Control Panel is supposedto display its icon in the 'icon parade.' If the iconis displayed at boot time, but the Extension or Control Paneldisables itself because the Shift key is held or some error conditionis detected, it is conventional for a red X to be drawn over itsicon.

Immediately upon the appearance of the (blank) menu bar, pressany keys you need to control ...

Finder startup

Command-OptionRebuild Desktop
OptionDon't open Finder windows
ShiftDisable 'Startup Items'

After startup

Lots of Finder shortcuts are documented in the online FinderHelp. (p.s. Don't delete that file: Certain Apple installersrefuse to function unless that file is in its proper place.) Command-Shift-1 (or 2, or 0)Eject a Floppy Disk [FKEYs]Command-Option-ESCForce current app to quit.Command-POWERInvoke the debugger (if MacsBug is installed) - G to return to interrupted code

Restart, Sleep, Shutdown

If you have a Power key, it is at the top of your keyboard,at the center or on the right hand side; it carries an incusedtriangle symbol.

POWERPresent Restart, Sleep, Shutdown dialog - key R for Restart, S for Sleep, ESC for cancel, or Return for Shutdown.
Control-Command-Option-POWERFast Shutdown
Command-Option-POWERPut late model PowerBooks & Desktops to sleep
Control-Command-POWERUnconditional, forced reboot (the 'three-finger salute')

This document may be freely distributed for noncommercialpurposes, provided that it is distributed unmodified and in itsentirety, and that this copyright notice remains intact.

Charles Poynton- Mac
Copyright © 2001-07-15

2021-01-14 13:40:59 • Filed to: macOS 10.15 • Proven solutions

From PDFs to Word files, Excel spreadsheets, and HTML files, many Mac users have reported running into problems when trying to save various types of documents on their Mac. In some cases, they get a blatant error message that states that the word processor couldn’t save a file already in use in Mac OS 10.15, and in other cases, they get a more cryptic error message.

In the following sections, we show you what to do when you can’t save a document using Word for Mac OS 10.15, no matter what the error message says.

How to Fix the Documents Could Not Be Saved on macOS 10.15

Solution 1: Correct your Permission Settings

Your permission settings help prevent unauthorized persons from tampering with files on your Mac. But if you can’t save a document in any form directly on Mac OS 10.15, your permission settings could be behind this.

To stop your permission settings from getting in the way when you want to save files on Mac OS 10.15, revert back to the factory permission settings.

To do this,

1. Select “Go > Home” from your Finder’s menu bar. This brings up your home folder.

2. Next, go to “File > Get Info”. This brings up a window bearing your home folder’s info. You should find the “Sharing & Permission” section at the bottom of your screen. But if you don’t, then click on the triangle in that section to reveal it.

Triangular (spkgames) Mac Os Download

3. After that, you’ll find a lock button at the bottom of the window. If it’s closed, click on it and then enter your admin login credentials.

4. Now, open the Action menu near the bottom of the window, and then click on “Apply to enclosed items”, and then confirm this by clicking “OK”.

Triangular (spkgames) Mac Os Catalina

5. Next, a progress bar will appear on top of the screen. Once it’s completed, open the Terminal from the “Utilities” folder in your “Application” folder.

6. Now, enter the following path in Terminal: “diskutil resetUserPermissions / `id -u` “, and then select “Return”. If you get a Terminal report saying that permission reset failed, then proceed to the next step. Otherwise, just restart your Mac after the process is completed.

7. Close terminal, open the Apple menu, and then select “System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy”. Click on the lock icon, and key in your admin credentials.

Triangular (spkgames) Mac Os 11

8. Next, you’ll find a list of items on the left side of the screen. Select ‘Full Disk Access”, and then add Terminal to apps working with full-disk access either through the add (+) button or dragging and dropping the app into space around the top of the screen.

9. Now, open Terminal and then key in the command: 'chflags -R nouchg ~”.

10. After that, key in 'diskutil resetUserPermissions / `id -u`”, and then restart your Mac once the process is completed.

11. Next, repeat step 7, this time around removing terminal from the list of apps working with full-disk access.

Solution 2: Reinstall Word on Mac OS 10.15

If you can’t save a document using Word for Mac OS 10.15 due to an error message that states that “the document cannot be saved due to naming or permission error on the destination volume”, you may be trying to save the file in a damaged or corrupt folder. These error messages are usually symptoms of damages in your Word app, especially the part of the app that writes to disk.

Running the MS Word installer to reinstall or repair MS Word is a quick solution that works most of the time. If the reinstallation or repairs fails, that could be a result of damages to the recovery files which Word creates for damaged documents (as found here:

/Users//Library/Containers/, or damages to the preference file for MS Word (as found here: ~/Library/Preferences/

In that case, erase all the auto recovery files and .plist files, and then relaunch MS Word. If the problem still persists, then your hard drive’s file system might be defective. Try booting in Recovery Mode, or troubleshooting the disk with Disk Utility.

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