Now it’s time to sit back and relax with that cup of coffee or tea. This may take a bit. Click Restart Now; If Ubuntu doesn’t start loading, and you’re left at a screen with what looks a bit like gibberish, have no fear. Click the OS X “Close” button (the red one in the upper left corner). Not compatible Mac OS and Chorme book. Use the USB cable to connect laptop/PC, Install using the supplied driver CD or download the driver on the Meihengtong Official website and refer to the installation video. The printer is use USB port to connect the computer for printing.
Virtual machine is a unique piece of software which allows to simultaneously run several operational systems at once on your active OS, regardless whether it is Mac OS, Linux or Windows. Another advantage of such approach is that all the system work autonomously, externally one from another, and you may handle all of them in a distinct way. In this article I’m going to tell about specific features of running VirtualBox on Mac OS, what are the technical requirements for Mac platform, and what are the post installation issues you would need to handle in order to process the operations in VM successfully.
Here are the pre-requisites for the installation of the product on the platform from Apple, and what you need for the successful running of the Windows system in the VirtualBox app:
Before using the emulated OS on your VirtualBox, you should first create the VM instance prior to running the virtual system on your Mac. Run the app and click “New” button on the toolbar. Starting from now the “Create New Virtual Machine” wizard is started. Click on “Next”.
Afterwards you will see, that new Windows system has been added to the list of VirtualBox primary window and its status is “Powered Off”.
Simply use the “Start” button from the toolbar in order to start processing the VM for the first time.
As soon as the Windows customization routine is completed, at first you require to set up the “Guest Additions” package. As you understand, Windows OS is just a basis for working with virtual machine, but it has a lot of cornerstones and pitfalls. One of such containable parts is Guest Additions package.
Basically, it contains system apps and device drivers for the guest Windows OS, which optimize the system for more optimal usability and performance. In short, it is a simple ISO-image file which is mounted and installed into the guest OS for maintaining additional functions and features.
Here’s what you should do in order to install VirtualBox Guest Additions on your VM instance:
It’s hard to imagine working in virtual environment without proper USB-connection and sound support. For the safety and protection USB and sound are disabled by default in VirtualBox, and you are ought to perform some specific actions in order to make them enabled in the guest operational system.
After you run Windows the next time, you will be able to hear the sounds of entering the Windows OS, listen to the music and run games with audio. Also, the USB-devices will successfully be accessed. Afterwards you may require to pull out or eject the USB-gadget or disk from your Mac host OS in order to make it working in the emulated VM.
Thus, earlier I described the basic steps how to use VirtualBox on Mac OS. Moreover, I described the pitfalls of setting up the audio and USB-devices support on the guest OS, as well as peculiarities of VirtualBox Guest Additions package installation. Hopefully, it will serve you well in any situation and case.