1. ● One Medical: 'Therapeutic breathing benefits your brain and mood, and can actually help decrease your heart rate and lower high blood pressure.
Training load is highest at the start of your inhalation and gradually decreases as your lungs fill with air. During the first two breaths of each training session there is no resistance and you should inhale as quickly and deeply as possible. It’s during these breaths that the K-Series device measures your maximum breathing capability. Decreased anxiety, depression 2. Enhanced sustained attention 3. Reduced stress 4. Improved sleep This simple breath trainer is an unobtrusive reminder to control your breathing and teaches you the right techniques on a daily basis. Configure one breathing cycle Define the time for inhaling, hold, exhaling and hold in 0.25s steps 2. An exacerbation is a flare-up or episode when your breathing gets worse than usual and may continue to get worse without extra treatment. Exacerbations or flare ups can be kept less serious if you get help early by calling your doctor or nurse before you need to go to the emergency room or hospital.
2. ● New York Magazine: 'Sometimes the fastest way to combat anxiety or an oncoming panic attack is just to remember to breathe.
Latest Version: 4.9.1
What does Breathing Zone do? Discover Mindfulness, one breath at a time.● Time: 'Calm yourself with Breathing Zone.'● Harvard Health: 'When you find yourself under stress, Breathing Zone can help.'● Bloomberg: 'The breathing trick that can make you more productive.'● New York Magazine: 'Sometimes the fastest way to combat anxiety or an oncoming panic attack is just to remember to breathe. I like Breathing Zone for its simplicity.'● Self Magazine: 'Just inhale. Then exhale. Download the Breathing Zone app for guided exercises.'● Huffington Post: 'An effective guide to mindful breathing.'● LifeHacker: 'Breathing Zone Guides you towards slower breathing to help reduce stress.'● Fox News: 'Breathing Zone simply trains you to slow down your breathing. In the process you calm down and relieve stress.'● MacWorld: 'If you slow your breathing, it can relax you; but it’s not easy to do this on your own, but Breathing Zone can help.'● Gigaom: 'Go beyond the basics and analyze your breathing patterns via your iPhone’s microphone with this app.'● PoductivityBytes: 'This app’s signature feature is the ability to analyze how you normally breathe in order to suggest the best routine for you.'● University of Sydney: 'Breathing Zone provides guidance on slow breathing.'● Nursing Standard: 'Breathing Zone offers simple guided breathing exercises, that are a useful introduction to the health benefits of slower, therapeutic breathing.'● One Medical: 'Therapeutic breathing benefits your brain and mood, and can actually help decrease your heart rate and lower high blood pressure. Breathing Zone offers detailed instructions and a Breathing Analyzer to measure your breathing rate.'● AppAdvice: 'Relax your mind and body in as little as 5 minutes with these doctor recommended breathing exercises.'● HealthTap: '103 Doctors recommend this app.'
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