Slash Sequence Mac OS

MacOS Big Sur elevates the most advanced desktop operating system in the world to a new level of power and beauty. Experience Mac to the fullest with a refined new design. Enjoy the biggest Safari update ever. Discover new features for Maps and Messages. One way to incorporate file type metadata, often associated with Unix and its derivatives, is just to store a 'magic number' inside the file itself. Originally, this term was used for a specific set of 2-byte identifiers at the beginnings of files, but since any binary sequence can be regarded as a number, any feature of a file format which uniquely distinguishes it can be used for identification. Sequence requires Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) or later Support & questions You can reach us on Twitter as @FrosthausDev, or if it isn't suitable for 140 characters we'll happily respond to any email sent to SOLUTION: You can use forward slashes in filenames on Mac OSX. From the filesystem's perspective, the / is actually a colon, and it gets translated to a / in Finder. Kindall's explanation below: It's necessary for the Carbon layer, which uses the standard Mac filename separators, colons. Mac OS X & macOS names. As you can see from the list above, with the exception of the first OS X beta, all versions of the Mac operating system from 2001 to 2012 were all named after big cats.

Backslash and other special characters when using a Mac

There are some characters that are not commonly used when writing regular text, but appear often when programming or using mathematics applications. Your hands should know where to find these characters.

On some keyboards various symbols are shown on the keys, making them somewhat easy to find.

Other keyboards, on the other hand, look beautiful on your desk but require Google to use.

When using Windows or Linux, you will find most of the special characters by pressing the Alt Gr key. To get a curly left-bracket '{', press Alt Gr+7. For other characters, just look at your cleverly designed keyboard.

Slash Sequence Mac Os X

When using a Mac, you will sometimes need three fingers. Since looking at your keyboard will not help you, here we go:


If you use a non-American keyboard for a Mac and need a dollar-sign ($) (for programming, LaTeX, Excel, etc.), you may have a keyboard where a euro (€) is shown instead of a dollar. In that case:

Slash sequence mac os x

References and more ranting

More ranting can be found on Ash Searle's Blog I hate my Macbook Pro

Danish keyboard image from:

Table of contents
  • OS
    • OS constants
      • Error constants


Source Code:lib/os.js

The os module provides operating system-related utility methods andproperties. It can be accessed using:


The operating system-specific end-of-line marker.

Slash Sequence Mac Os Catalina

  • n on POSIX
  • rn on Windows


  • Returns: <string>

Returns the operating system CPU architecture for which the Node.js binary wascompiled. Possible values are 'arm', 'arm64', 'ia32', 'mips','mipsel', 'ppc', 'ppc64', 's390', 's390x', 'x32', and 'x64'.

The return value is equivalent to process.arch.


Contains commonly used operating system-specific constants for error codes,process signals, and so on. The specific constants defined are described inOS constants.


  • Returns: <Object[]>

Returns an array of objects containing information about each logical CPU core.

The properties included on each object include:

  • model<string>
  • speed<number> (in MHz)
  • times<Object>
    • user<number> The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in user mode.
    • nice<number> The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in nice mode.
    • sys<number> The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in sys mode.
    • idle<number> The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in idle mode.
    • irq<number> The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in irq mode.

nice values are POSIX-only. On Windows, the nice values of all processorsare always 0.


  • Returns: <string>

Returns a string identifying the endianness of the CPU for which the Node.jsbinary was compiled.

Possible values are 'BE' for big endian and 'LE' for little endian.


  • Returns: <integer>

Returns the amount of free system memory in bytes as an integer.


  • pid<integer> The process ID to retrieve scheduling priority for.Default:0.
  • Returns: <integer>

Returns the scheduling priority for the process specified by pid. If pid isnot provided or is 0, the priority of the current process is returned.


  • Returns: <string>

Returns the string path of the current user's home directory.

On POSIX, it uses the $HOME environment variable if defined. Otherwise ituses the effective UID to look up the user's home directory.

On Windows, it uses the USERPROFILE environment variable if defined.Otherwise it uses the path to the profile directory of the current user.


  • Returns: <string>

Returns the host name of the operating system as a string.


  • Returns: <number[]>

Returns an array containing the 1, 5, and 15 minute load averages.

The load average is a measure of system activity calculated by the operatingsystem and expressed as a fractional number.

The load average is a Unix-specific concept. On Windows, the return value isalways [0, 0, 0].


  • Returns: <Object>

Returns an object containing network interfaces that have been assigned anetwork address.

Each key on the returned object identifies a network interface. The associatedvalue is an array of objects that each describe an assigned network address.

The properties available on the assigned network address object include:

  • address<string> The assigned IPv4 or IPv6 address
  • netmask<string> The IPv4 or IPv6 network mask
  • family<string> Either IPv4 or IPv6
  • mac<string> The MAC address of the network interface
  • internal<boolean>true if the network interface is a loopback orsimilar interface that is not remotely accessible; otherwise false
  • scopeid<number> The numeric IPv6 scope ID (only specified when familyis IPv6)
  • cidr<string> The assigned IPv4 or IPv6 address with the routing prefixin CIDR notation. If the netmask is invalid, this property is setto null.


  • Returns: <string>

Returns a string identifying the operating system platform. The value is setat compile time. Possible values are 'aix', 'darwin', 'freebsd','linux', 'openbsd', 'sunos', and 'win32'.

The return value is equivalent to process.platform.

The value 'android' may also be returned if Node.js is built on the Androidoperating system. Android support is experimental.


  • Returns: <string>

Returns the operating system as a string.

On POSIX systems, the operating system release is determined by callinguname(3). On Windows, GetVersionExW() is used. See for more information.

os.setPriority([pid, ]priority)#

  • pid<integer> The process ID to set scheduling priority for.Default:0.
  • priority<integer> The scheduling priority to assign to the process.

Attempts to set the scheduling priority for the process specified by pid. Ifpid is not provided or is 0, the process ID of the current process is used.

The priority input must be an integer between -20 (high priority) and 19(low priority). Due to differences between Unix priority levels and Windowspriority classes, priority is mapped to one of six priority constants inos.constants.priority. When retrieving a process priority level, this rangemapping may cause the return value to be slightly different on Windows. To avoidconfusion, set priority to one of the priority constants.

On Windows, setting priority to PRIORITY_HIGHEST requires elevated userprivileges. Otherwise the set priority will be silently reduced toPRIORITY_HIGH.


  • Returns: <string>

Returns the operating system's default directory for temporary files as astring.


  • Returns: <integer>

Returns the total amount of system memory in bytes as an integer.


  • Returns: <string>

Returns the operating system name as returned by uname(3). For example, itreturns 'Linux' on Linux, 'Darwin' on macOS, and 'Windows_NT' on Windows.

See for additional informationabout the output of running uname(3) on various operating systems.


  • Returns: <integer>

Returns the system uptime in number of seconds.

The value returned can be inaccurate in somerare virtualization cases. The issue arises when the virtualizedguest instance shares the kernel with the host system.Due to the fact that libuv uses a syscall thatprovides host's uptime instead of guest'suptime on OpenVZ, os.uptime() may also provideerroneous result.

Please refer to and for an exploration ofthis issue, until it is resolved by libuv.


  • options<Object>
    • encoding<string> Character encoding used to interpret resulting strings.If encoding is set to 'buffer', the username, shell, and homedirvalues will be Buffer instances. Default:'utf8'.
  • Returns: <Object>

Returns information about the currently effective user. On POSIX platforms,this is typically a subset of the password file. The returned object includesthe username, uid, gid, shell, and homedir. On Windows, the uid andgid fields are -1, and shell is null.

The value of homedir returned by os.userInfo() is provided by the operatingsystem. This differs from the result of os.homedir(), which queriesenvironment variables for the home directory before falling back to theoperating system response.

Throws a SystemError if a user has no username or homedir.


  • Returns <string>

Returns a string identifying the kernel version.

On POSIX systems, the operating system release is determined by callinguname(3). On Windows, RtlGetVersion() is used, and if it is notavailable, GetVersionExW() will be used. See for more information.

OS constants#

The following constants are exported by os.constants.

Not all constants will be available on every operating system.

Signal constants#

The following signal constants are exported by os.constants.signals.

SIGHUPSent to indicate when a controlling terminal is closed or a parent process exits.
SIGINTSent to indicate when a user wishes to interrupt a process (Ctrl+C).
SIGQUITSent to indicate when a user wishes to terminate a process and perform a core dump.
SIGILLSent to a process to notify that it has attempted to perform an illegal, malformed, unknown, or privileged instruction.
SIGTRAPSent to a process when an exception has occurred.
SIGABRTSent to a process to request that it abort.
SIGBUSSent to a process to notify that it has caused a bus error.
SIGFPESent to a process to notify that it has performed an illegal arithmetic operation.
SIGKILLSent to a process to terminate it immediately.
SIGUSR1SIGUSR2Sent to a process to identify user-defined conditions.
SIGSEGVSent to a process to notify of a segmentation fault.
SIGPIPESent to a process when it has attempted to write to a disconnected pipe.
SIGALRMSent to a process when a system timer elapses.
SIGTERMSent to a process to request termination.
SIGCHLDSent to a process when a child process terminates.
SIGSTKFLTSent to a process to indicate a stack fault on a coprocessor.
SIGCONTSent to instruct the operating system to continue a paused process.
SIGSTOPSent to instruct the operating system to halt a process.
SIGTSTPSent to a process to request it to stop.
SIGBREAKSent to indicate when a user wishes to interrupt a process.
SIGTTINSent to a process when it reads from the TTY while in the background.
SIGTTOUSent to a process when it writes to the TTY while in the background.
SIGURGSent to a process when a socket has urgent data to read.
SIGXCPUSent to a process when it has exceeded its limit on CPU usage.
SIGXFSZSent to a process when it grows a file larger than the maximum allowed.
SIGVTALRMSent to a process when a virtual timer has elapsed.
SIGPROFSent to a process when a system timer has elapsed.
SIGWINCHSent to a process when the controlling terminal has changed its size.
SIGIOSent to a process when I/O is available.
SIGLOSTSent to a process when a file lock has been lost.
SIGPWRSent to a process to notify of a power failure.
SIGSYSSent to a process to notify of a bad argument.

Error constants#

The following error constants are exported by os.constants.errno.

POSIX error constants#

Slash Sequence Mac Os 11

E2BIGIndicates that the list of arguments is longer than expected.
EACCESIndicates that the operation did not have sufficient permissions.
EADDRINUSEIndicates that the network address is already in use.
EADDRNOTAVAILIndicates that the network address is currently unavailable for use.
EAFNOSUPPORTIndicates that the network address family is not supported.
EAGAINIndicates that there is no data available and to try the operation again later.
EALREADYIndicates that the socket already has a pending connection in progress.
EBADFIndicates that a file descriptor is not valid.
EBADMSGIndicates an invalid data message.
EBUSYIndicates that a device or resource is busy.
ECANCELEDIndicates that an operation was canceled.
ECHILDIndicates that there are no child processes.
ECONNABORTEDIndicates that the network connection has been aborted.
ECONNREFUSEDIndicates that the network connection has been refused.
ECONNRESETIndicates that the network connection has been reset.
EDEADLKIndicates that a resource deadlock has been avoided.
EDESTADDRREQIndicates that a destination address is required.
EDOMIndicates that an argument is out of the domain of the function.
EDQUOTIndicates that the disk quota has been exceeded.
EEXISTIndicates that the file already exists.
EFAULTIndicates an invalid pointer address.
EFBIGIndicates that the file is too large.
EHOSTUNREACHIndicates that the host is unreachable.
EIDRMIndicates that the identifier has been removed.
EILSEQIndicates an illegal byte sequence.
EINPROGRESSIndicates that an operation is already in progress.
EINTRIndicates that a function call was interrupted.
EINVALIndicates that an invalid argument was provided.
EIOIndicates an otherwise unspecified I/O error.
EISCONNIndicates that the socket is connected.
EISDIRIndicates that the path is a directory.
ELOOPIndicates too many levels of symbolic links in a path.
EMFILEIndicates that there are too many open files.
EMLINKIndicates that there are too many hard links to a file.
EMSGSIZEIndicates that the provided message is too long.
EMULTIHOPIndicates that a multihop was attempted.
ENAMETOOLONGIndicates that the filename is too long.
ENETDOWNIndicates that the network is down.
ENETRESETIndicates that the connection has been aborted by the network.
ENETUNREACHIndicates that the network is unreachable.
ENFILEIndicates too many open files in the system.
ENOBUFSIndicates that no buffer space is available.
ENODATAIndicates that no message is available on the stream head read queue.
ENODEVIndicates that there is no such device.
ENOENTIndicates that there is no such file or directory.
ENOEXECIndicates an exec format error.
ENOLCKIndicates that there are no locks available.
ENOLINKIndications that a link has been severed.
ENOMEMIndicates that there is not enough space.
ENOMSGIndicates that there is no message of the desired type.
ENOPROTOOPTIndicates that a given protocol is not available.
ENOSPCIndicates that there is no space available on the device.
ENOSRIndicates that there are no stream resources available.
ENOSTRIndicates that a given resource is not a stream.
ENOSYSIndicates that a function has not been implemented.
ENOTCONNIndicates that the socket is not connected.
ENOTDIRIndicates that the path is not a directory.
ENOTEMPTYIndicates that the directory is not empty.
ENOTSOCKIndicates that the given item is not a socket.
ENOTSUPIndicates that a given operation is not supported.
ENOTTYIndicates an inappropriate I/O control operation.
ENXIOIndicates no such device or address.
EOPNOTSUPPIndicates that an operation is not supported on the socket. Although ENOTSUP and EOPNOTSUPP have the same value on Linux, according to POSIX.1 these error values should be distinct.)
EOVERFLOWIndicates that a value is too large to be stored in a given data type.
EPERMIndicates that the operation is not permitted.
EPIPEIndicates a broken pipe.
EPROTOIndicates a protocol error.
EPROTONOSUPPORTIndicates that a protocol is not supported.
EPROTOTYPEIndicates the wrong type of protocol for a socket.
ERANGEIndicates that the results are too large.
EROFSIndicates that the file system is read only.
ESPIPEIndicates an invalid seek operation.
ESRCHIndicates that there is no such process.
ESTALEIndicates that the file handle is stale.
ETIMEIndicates an expired timer.
ETIMEDOUTIndicates that the connection timed out.
ETXTBSYIndicates that a text file is busy.
EWOULDBLOCKIndicates that the operation would block.
EXDEVIndicates an improper link.
Windows-specific error constants#

The following error codes are specific to the Windows operating system.

WSAEINTRIndicates an interrupted function call.
WSAEBADFIndicates an invalid file handle.
WSAEACCESIndicates insufficient permissions to complete the operation.
WSAEFAULTIndicates an invalid pointer address.
WSAEINVALIndicates that an invalid argument was passed.
WSAEMFILEIndicates that there are too many open files.
WSAEWOULDBLOCKIndicates that a resource is temporarily unavailable.
WSAEINPROGRESSIndicates that an operation is currently in progress.
WSAEALREADYIndicates that an operation is already in progress.
WSAENOTSOCKIndicates that the resource is not a socket.
WSAEDESTADDRREQIndicates that a destination address is required.
WSAEMSGSIZEIndicates that the message size is too long.
WSAEPROTOTYPEIndicates the wrong protocol type for the socket.
WSAENOPROTOOPTIndicates a bad protocol option.
WSAEPROTONOSUPPORTIndicates that the protocol is not supported.
WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORTIndicates that the socket type is not supported.
WSAEOPNOTSUPPIndicates that the operation is not supported.
WSAEPFNOSUPPORTIndicates that the protocol family is not supported.
WSAEAFNOSUPPORTIndicates that the address family is not supported.
WSAEADDRINUSEIndicates that the network address is already in use.
WSAEADDRNOTAVAILIndicates that the network address is not available.
WSAENETDOWNIndicates that the network is down.
WSAENETUNREACHIndicates that the network is unreachable.
WSAENETRESETIndicates that the network connection has been reset.
WSAECONNABORTEDIndicates that the connection has been aborted.
WSAECONNRESETIndicates that the connection has been reset by the peer.
WSAENOBUFSIndicates that there is no buffer space available.
WSAEISCONNIndicates that the socket is already connected.
WSAENOTCONNIndicates that the socket is not connected.
WSAESHUTDOWNIndicates that data cannot be sent after the socket has been shutdown.
WSAETOOMANYREFSIndicates that there are too many references.
WSAETIMEDOUTIndicates that the connection has timed out.
WSAECONNREFUSEDIndicates that the connection has been refused.
WSAELOOPIndicates that a name cannot be translated.
WSAENAMETOOLONGIndicates that a name was too long.
WSAEHOSTDOWNIndicates that a network host is down.
WSAEHOSTUNREACHIndicates that there is no route to a network host.
WSAENOTEMPTYIndicates that the directory is not empty.
WSAEPROCLIMIndicates that there are too many processes.
WSAEUSERSIndicates that the user quota has been exceeded.
WSAEDQUOTIndicates that the disk quota has been exceeded.
WSAESTALEIndicates a stale file handle reference.
WSAEREMOTEIndicates that the item is remote.
WSASYSNOTREADYIndicates that the network subsystem is not ready.
WSAVERNOTSUPPORTEDIndicates that the winsock.dll version is out of range.
WSANOTINITIALISEDIndicates that successful WSAStartup has not yet been performed.
WSAEDISCONIndicates that a graceful shutdown is in progress.
WSAENOMOREIndicates that there are no more results.
WSAECANCELLEDIndicates that an operation has been canceled.
WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLEIndicates that the procedure call table is invalid.
WSAEINVALIDPROVIDERIndicates an invalid service provider.
WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINITIndicates that the service provider failed to initialized.
WSASYSCALLFAILUREIndicates a system call failure.
WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUNDIndicates that a service was not found.
WSATYPE_NOT_FOUNDIndicates that a class type was not found.
WSA_E_NO_MOREIndicates that there are no more results.
WSA_E_CANCELLEDIndicates that the call was canceled.
WSAEREFUSEDIndicates that a database query was refused.

dlopen constants#

Slash Sequence Mac OS

If available on the operating system, the following constantsare exported in os.constants.dlopen. See dlopen(3) for detailedinformation.

RTLD_LAZYPerform lazy binding. Node.js sets this flag by default.
RTLD_NOWResolve all undefined symbols in the library before dlopen(3) returns.
RTLD_GLOBALSymbols defined by the library will be made available for symbol resolution of subsequently loaded libraries.
RTLD_LOCALThe converse of RTLD_GLOBAL. This is the default behavior if neither flag is specified.
RTLD_DEEPBINDMake a self-contained library use its own symbols in preference to symbols from previously loaded libraries.

Priority constants#

The following process scheduling constants are exported byos.constants.priority.

Slash Sequence Mac Os Download

PRIORITY_LOWThe lowest process scheduling priority. This corresponds to IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS on Windows, and a nice value of 19 on all other platforms.
PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMALThe process scheduling priority above PRIORITY_LOW and below PRIORITY_NORMAL. This corresponds to BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS on Windows, and a nice value of 10 on all other platforms.
PRIORITY_NORMALThe default process scheduling priority. This corresponds to NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS on Windows, and a nice value of 0 on all other platforms.
PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMALThe process scheduling priority above PRIORITY_NORMAL and below PRIORITY_HIGH. This corresponds to ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS on Windows, and a nice value of -7 on all other platforms.
PRIORITY_HIGHThe process scheduling priority above PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL and below PRIORITY_HIGHEST. This corresponds to HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS on Windows, and a nice value of -14 on all other platforms.
PRIORITY_HIGHESTThe highest process scheduling priority. This corresponds to REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS on Windows, and a nice value of -20 on all other platforms.

libuv constants#
